
About Us


We are a dedicated group of educators with experience that spans several decades.  Our mission is to support every learner with college and career readiness.

Saturday Enrichment Courses

Get ready for our Digital Skills Saturday. Students learn coding skills, online technology skills and 3D printing skills using a variety of online resources.

Academy Of Success

This is your RIGHT TO A HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA.  Closing The Gap for Children believes every person has the right to recieve a high school diploma and we are making a high school diploma more attainable and more accessible than ever.  Contact us for more information.

Online Coding Course

Our online coding course is for beginners to advanced learners.  The courses are designed to take you through the very basic steps of JAVA, HTML5 and other coding languages.

Learning Center

Learning is Fun...All the time and we have a wide variety of learning resources that all students, teachers and parents would be interested in.


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